eTextile Connectors & Tools
The first step for this week’s assignment started during class, when we were prompted to first build our own connector, and then prototype a quick node that we could use to test the connector we had just built. I did some quick cutouts from green fabric, and used conductive thread and a metal clip to create the connection for the battery node. I kept the LED node simple and just inserted it in the green heart.
The second and third connectors I made at home. The first is the blue one pictured above. I used pretty much the exact same materials as the first, with paracord, conductive thread, a paper clip, and heat shrink. But instead of a needle I used the end of another paper clip for it. I decided to make the last connector from fabric. I used a piece of ribbon and glued a strip of conductive fabric on it. At each end I added a metal clip, secured to the ribbon with conductive thread, and a safety pin.
At home we needed to make two more connectors and two nodes, each from different materials. I decided to make my “battery” node from fabric and the “led” node from black foam board. I planned to use conductive fabric cut and glued onto another piece of fabric, and try out one of the coin cell battery holders for the first time. I also would use conductive tape for the led node, which consisted of a kitty holding 3 leds. Sketch below:
Finally, I tested out my battery and led nodes using the conductors I described earlier.